<h2>Confirmation of coach booking</h2>

<p>Dear {{ contact.formalSalutation }},</p>

<p>Thank you for authorising travel. The coach booking for {% if contact.students | length == 1 %}
        {{ contact.students.0.firstName}} {{ contact.students.0.lastName }}. </p>
    {% endif %}
    {% if contact.students | length == 2 %}
        {{ contact.students.0.firstName}} {{ contact.students.0.lastName }} and {{ contact.students.1.firstName}} {{ contact.students.1.lastName }}. </p>
    {% endif %}
    {% if contact.students | length > 2 %}
        {% for student in students %}
            {{ contact.student.firstName}} {{ contact.student.lastName }},
        {% endfor %}</p>
{% endif %} is now confirmed.

<p>The travel itinerary for {{ departureTime|date('H:i',timeZone) }} on {{ departureTime|date('l jS F Y') }} is as follows:</p>

        {{ bookingBreakdown|raw }}
Please remind the student(s) to be ready to travel at the right time and make sure their mobile phone is charged, switched on and has credit.