<h1 style="margin-top:0;margin-bottom:16px;font-size:24px;line-height:32px;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:-0.02em;">
    IMPORTANT: Action required from {{ schoolName }} to authorise or book travel. ID {{ bookingId }}
    Dear {{ contact.formalSalutation }},
<p><b>You are asked to kindly authorise this booking now.</b></p>

{% if students | length == 1 %}<p>Travel notification or booking for: <b>{{ students.0.firstName}} {{ students.0.lastName }}</b>. </p>{% endif %}
{% if students | length == 2 %}<p>Travel notification or booking for: <b>{{ students.0.firstName}} {{ students.0.lastName }} and {{students.1.firstName}} {{ students.1.lastName }}</b>. </p>{% endif %}

{% if students | length > 2 %}
    <p>Travel notification or booking for:<br>
        {% for student in students %}
           <b> {{student.firstName}} {{ student.lastName }}</b><br/>
        {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<p>The booking for travel on {{ travelDate | date('jS M Y') }} is as follows:</p>
        {{ bookingBreakdown|raw }}

{% if bookingHasTaxi %}
    <p> <b>The taxi is NOT BOOKED YET. Your booking will be passed to the taxi supplier only when it is authorised by clicking the link below.</b>
{% else %}  
        You are asked to kindly authorise this booking by clicking the link below. <b>If you do not acknowledge and authorise this booking it IS NOT CONFIRMED and your {% if students | length == 1 %}child{% endif %}{% if students | length > 1 %}children{% endif %} WILL NOT BE AUTHORISED for travel.</b>
{% endif %}
    <a href="{{ linkPath }}">I ACKNOWLEDGE & AUTHORISE THIS BOOKING</a>
    <a href="{{ linkPathReject }}">I REJECT this booking (NOT authorised)</a>
    The link can be clicked once only. 
    If it has expired, this means that it HAS ALREADY BEEN CLICKED.
    Authorising the booking will provide certainty to {{ schoolName }} that you approve of the arrangements. For pupils holding student visas, it will also ensure that our travel records are compliant with UK Visas &amp; Immigration regulations.

{% if bookingHasTaxi %}
       If the taxi supplier accepts the booking you will receive a confirmation email and the base price.
       The price quoted will include a processing fee but will not include any extras which will only be known on completion of the journey. You will receive an email following completion of the journey stating the final price, or your share thereof, and a link to pay by credit card if you wish.
       <b>By confirming this booking the taxi supplier deems that it is accepted and confirmed and will book your vehicle.</b> You will receive a further confirmation email stating the journey price. Should you reject the price quoted when you receive it, you will be able to click a link in the email to cancel.
        <b>If you do not respond to this email the booking WILL NOT GO AHEAD.</b> 
    {% endif %}
        By authorising this booking you agree to the Terms & Conditions which can be found here: <a href="https://gtmatrix.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/GTMatrix-Schools-TC-V10-07-23.pdf">https://gtmatrix.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/GTMatrix-Schools-TC-V10-07-23.pdf</a>
        <a href="{{ linkPath }}">I ACKNOWLEDGE & AUTHORISE THIS BOOKING</a>
        <a href="{{ linkPathReject }}">I REJECT this booking (NOT authorised)</a>