<h2>{% if students | length == 1 %}{{ students.0.firstName}} {{ students.0.lastName }}{% endif %}{% if students | length == 2 %}{{ students.0.firstName}} {{ students.0.lastName }} and {{students.1.firstName}} {{ students.1.lastName }}{% endif %}{% if students | length > 2 %}{% for student in students %}
           {{student.firstName}} {{ student.lastName }}<br/>
        {% endfor %}
{% endif %}'s journey on {{ departureTime|date('l jS F Y') }}</h2>
<p>This is a reminder that you have a travel booking for {{ departureTime|date('H:i',timeZone) }} on {{ departureTime|date('l jS F Y') }} as follows:</p>

        {{ bookingBreakdown|raw }}
<p>The mobile number we have registered for you is {{ contact.mobile }}. Please notify us immediately at <a href="mailto:bookings@gtmatrix.net">bookings@gtmatrix.net</a> if this is incorrect, stating your name and school in the email.</p>
Please be ready to travel at the right time and make sure your mobile phone is charged, switched on and has credit.</p>