<h1 style="margin-top:0;margin-bottom:16px;font-size:26px;line-height:32px;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:-0.02em;">{{ schoolName }}<br><br>
    {% if taxiBooking.isPrivateShare %}
        Private ride share request for {{ fareDetails.noTravellers }} passenger{% if taxiBooking.capacity != 1 %}s{% endif %} on {{ fromPoints.0.pointTime|date('d M Y') }} at  {{ fromPoints.0.pointTime|date('H:i',fromPoints.0.pointLocation.timeZone) }}
    {% else %}
        Booking confirmed for {{ passengerCount }} passenger{% if passengerCount != 1 %}s{% endif %} on {{ fromPoints.0.pointTime|date('d M Y') }} at  {{ fromPoints.0.pointTime|date('H:i',fromPoints.0.pointLocation.timeZone) }}
    {% endif %}
<p style="margin:0">
    Dear {{ bookingLeg.booking.parentContact.title }} {{ bookingLeg.booking.parentContact.lastName }},
    Your taxi booking (ID {{ taxiBooking.id }}) has been confirmed. The provider, {{ taxiBooking.provider.companyName }} can be contacted on {{ taxiBooking.provider.mailTel }}. <b>Please call the GTMatrix controllers in the first instance on +44 20 3355 2858 who will be able to help you.</b>
    {% if taxiBooking.shareCode %}
        Your share code is: <b>{{ taxiBooking.shareCode }}</b>
        To use this share code, users must book a taxi in the normal way. On the taxi information page, tick "I have a share code" and you will be be able to input the code to join this ride share.
    {% endif %}
{% for studentLink in bookingLeg.booking.studentToBookings %}
    {{ studentLink.student.firstName }} {{ studentLink.student.lastName }} - {% if studentLink.student.metaData.mobile %}M:{{ studentLink.student.metaData.mobile }}{% endif %}<br>
{% endfor %}
{% for waypoint in fromPoints %}
    <b>Collecting from:</b>
    {{ waypoint.pointLocation.friendlyAddress }} at {{ waypoint.pointTime|date('H:i',fromPoints.0.pointLocation.timeZone) }}
    {% if (waypoint.pointLocation.lat and waypoint.pointLocation.lon) %}
        <a href="https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query={{ waypoint.pointLocation.lat }},{{ waypoint.pointLocation.lon }}">
            Google Maps
    {% endif %}
    {% if (waypoint.pointLocation.whatThreeWords) %}
        <a href="https://what3words.com/{{ waypoint.pointLocation.whatThreeWords }}">
            What Three Words
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for waypoint in toPoints %}
    <b>Dropping at:</b>
    {{ waypoint.pointLocation.friendlyAddress }}
    {% if (waypoint.pointLocation.lat and waypoint.pointLocation.lon) %}
        <a href="https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query={{ waypoint.pointLocation.lat }},{{ waypoint.pointLocation.lon }}">
            Google Maps
    {% endif %}
    {% if (waypoint.pointLocation.whatThreeWords) %}
        <a href="https://what3words.com/{{ waypoint.pointLocation.whatThreeWords }}">
            What Three Words
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if noPay %}
    Another party has agreed to pay the full fare.
{% else %}
    {% if taxiBooking.isPrivateShare %}
        Approximate total cost of taxi with all passengers on board: &pound;{{ fareDetails.approximateShareTotal }}.
        Approximate cost per passenger based on {{ fareDetails.noTravellers }} sharing: &pound;{{ fareDetails.approximateBasicPassengerCost }}.

    {% endif %}
    {% for fare in fareDetails.clientBreakdown %}
        {{ fare.label }} - &pound;{{ fare.formatted }}<br>
    {% endfor %}
    <b>Total: &pound;{{ fareDetails.clientTotal }}</b>
{% endif %}
<h2 style="margin:0;">If you no longer wish to use this booking, please click reject below:</h2>
<a href="{{ linkPathReject }}">I REJECT THIS BOOKING</a>