<h1 style="margin-top:0;margin-bottom:16px;font-size:26px;line-height:32px;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:-0.02em;">Request from {{ schoolName }} to notify travel arrangements for the start of the {{ yearName }} academic year.</h1>
<p>Dear {{ contact.formalSalutation }}, </p>
<p>The school is bound by legislation to keep certain records to both meet safeguarding standards and, in the case of overseas students, to retain our licence to issue visas. We therefore kindly request that you notify us of the travel plans for
{% if contact.students | length == 1 %}
{{ contact.students.0.firstName}} {{ contact.students.0.lastName }}. </p>
{% endif %}
{% if contact.students | length == 2 %}
{{ contact.students.0.firstName}} {{ contact.students.0.lastName }} and {{ contact.students.1.firstName}} {{ contact.students.1.lastName }}. </p>
{% endif %}
{% if contact.students | length > 2 %}
{% for student in students %}
{{ contact.student.firstName}} {{ contact.student.lastName }},
{% endfor %}</p>
{% endif %}
<p>Please <a href="{{ igtmLink }}">click here and sign in to our travel portal</a>.
{% if travelDates.incoming | length > 1 %}
<p> The travel dates for the start of the school year are:
{% for individualDate in travelDates.incoming %}
<p><b>{{ individualDate.travelDate | date('l jS F Y')}} at {{ individualDate.arrivalTime | date('H:i') }}</b></p>
{% if individualDate.timeTable.coachRoutes | length > 0 %}
<h4>The following coaches are running:</h4>
{% for coach in individualDate.timeTable.coachRoutes %}{{ coach.name }}<br>{% endfor %}
{% else %}
Unfortunately there are not any coaches available for this travel date. Please book a taxi as detailed below. Students will be put in shared taxis wherever possible unless you indicate otherwise.
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<h4>{{ holidayName }} ends on {{ travelDates.incoming.0.travelDate | date('l jS F Y') }} at {{ travelDates.incoming.0.arrivalTime | date('H:i') }}.</h4>
{# Individual travel day coach loop #}
{% for individualDate in travelDates.incoming %}
{% if individualDate.timeTable.coachRoutes | length > 0 %}
<h4>Coaches available:</h4>
{% for coach in individualDate.timeTable.coachRoutes %}
{{ coach.name }}<br>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
Unfortunately there are not any coaches available for this travel date. Please book a taxi as detailed below. Students will be put in shared taxis wherever possible unless you indicate otherwise.
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<p>If you have permission to travel on a date other than the official one listed, use the bottom button in the date list on the booking form, "Any date not shown above".</p>
<h2>Airport chaperone team</h2>
<p>{{ schoolName }} has a friendly team of uniformed chaperones at both Birmingham and Heathrow airports on major school travel days, identified by their bright red jackets. If you or your child has any difficulty navigating their passage through the airport, help is at hand. Please call the GTMatrix Operations team on +44 20 3355 2858 if you have any queries about this service. The team can carry out Unaccompanied Minor duties (additional cost) and provide assistance as needed. Unfortunately they cannot pass through passport control to “air side”.</p>
<h2>Information for those requiring a taxi</h2>
<p>All unaccompanied travel via taxi will be booked using a local supplier who has been vetted by the school's travel provider, GTMatrix. You will receive a booking confirmation email and the base fare charge which will be added to your school account. </p>
<p>You will be able to share your booking with others by giving them the share code you will receive by email, and if you have asked to share a taxi, ride-share opportunities will be continuously monitored and automatically matched if and when available.</p>
<p>If you have booked your own taxi, this can be notified on the same page by clicking "I have booked my own taxi". Please fill in all the details so the school has a complete record of travel.</p>
<h2>Information about school coaches</h2>
<p>If a school coach is available for all or any part of your journey, i-gtm will automatically recommend it to you. You may accept the recommendation, select a different school coach or stop or click to travel another way and move on.</p>
<p><b>Coach booking will automatically close 7 days prior to travel</b>. This is to enable the coach providers to allocate the appropriate vehicle for the number of students and their luggage.</p>
<h2>General information</h2>
<p>The booking form works on the principle of "where are you going to?", "where are you coming from?" and "how are you getting there?" It needs to know your final destination <b>in the UK</b> only. If your journey comprises multiple legs, i.e. coach then car, or train and taxi, you can build your journey in the booking form on the same basis of "to - from - how". For compliance and safeguarding purposes we ask that you please tell us the complete journey, including any via points.</p>
<p>To log in to the form, click the large button with the name or logo of the parent portal to sign in with your parent portal email and password. If your email address is registered with Google or Microsoft, you may also click those buttons to authenticate with your Google or Microsoft password.</p>
<p>Once logged in, click the <b>Record or Book Travel</b> button in the top right.</p>
<p>You will receive an automatic email when you have filled in the form. <b>You must click the confirmation link in this email to verify that the booking is valid</b>. A member of staff from your child's house will also validate the booking.</p>
<p>If you require support when completing the form, please visit <a href="https://support.i-gtm.com">the support portal</a> and open a support ticket.</p>
<p>Thank you for booking your travel arrangements in good time. </p>
<p>Yours sincerely,</p>
<p>{{ schoolName }}</p>